This example of typography doesn't work for a few reasons. The message, or main the point of the poster, is lost because of all the excess design elements. The arrows are pointing in all different directions and instead of aiming towards the main typography it make your eye wander away and become confused and tired with the design. Also, the highlighting of "homecoming + reunion" in the darker color distracts from the white type. I honestly didn't even read the other information because my eye only wanted to look at the dark font. The white space is crowded and almost non-existent and the choice of type is boring and seems detached from the message being displayed. White space is a main component of design and the over-crowded of the useless arrows and arrangement of the type makes this look cluttered instead of fun and interesting. One way this could be improved is by taking away some of the useless objects in the background and making the type face more interesting. By doing this your eye will know where to look and the design will still be interesting enough to keep your attention. Also, the words need to be displayed in a more readable fashion. The placement of the date above the main point is confusing and distracting. It's not a terrible design I just feel like it could be more streamline and less cluttered.
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