I found this ad to be both effective and catchy for several reasons. The background picture went perfectly with the caption, and the green color of the font made for the perfect contrast. The warm colors on the bottom of the page with the tent and the logo being similar in color help to draw attention to the product being advertised. On page 67 of the Lupton book, she says, "Design is as much an act of spacing as an act of marking." This applies to this ad because the spacing between the two lines of type was done very well. The headline is readable and relevant for the ad as a whole. The kerning is well done as well; the words are spaced fairly evenly. The designer went with flush left/ragged right alignment which worked well with the headline used and the space available, using the page effectively. In case the reader doesn't recognize the North Face slogan, the logo is placed at the exit point of the page which ties the ad together nicely. Overall, all elements of this page complement each other well.
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