While this ad has a catchy header, as a reader I am not motivated to continue reading. The majority of the ad is covered in words, and it doesn't come off as readable at all. The designer should have edited the copy down, or at least increased the leading or kerning of the words to make it less intimidating. The lighter white side on the right of the article also distracts from the words without any obvious benefit graphically. To make this more readable, I think various uses of the font could have been used. Instead of keeping everything the same size in the same font, I think it would have been nice if some phrases had been bolded or bigger than others. This could have drawn attention to certain points that the for the reader to remember and take away. Aside from font issues, I'm also unaware of what the product is here. Adding a logo at the exit point of this page could have clarified that issue. I think the biggest issue however is simply the excess of type on the page. Overall, it just does not seem to be an effective ad. I found the "Letter" section of the Lupton book to be very effective in explaining the history of various typefaces, as well as basic definitions such as "x-height" and "spine." It also went into detail regarding font families, and all of the different looks you can get even by just using one font.
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