Though initially I was going to make a much more complex website, I remembered who my audience is supposed to be. This site is just going to be looked at by a small number of people from my town, likely from a link from the high school site. With that in mind, I kept my school colors as the two main colors for the site, blue (R: 12 G: 37 B: 146) and gold (R: 163 G: 174 B: 65). Though I thought of using more holiday colors, or even just more white, I decided to stay with what the school knew best, their own colors, especially since I thought the blue background worked well.
All the possible information is up on the website. I tried to stretch it out as much as I could, but when all was said and done, this was all the information needed for the toy drive. If I had added anything more it would have been useless and fictitious. By giving the readers contact information, informing them what the drive is about, and telling them how to donate and volunteer, a simple yet efficient website is created. Also included are links to a facebook group for the event and a way to download the poster.
On the header, “Roxbury High School” is in Joanna MT Std, a serif that complements well with the “Annual Toy Drive” in Ocean Sans Std, a sans serif. The navigation bar is in Helvetica as I just wanted a simple, clear typeface that did not draw much attention to it. For the body type on each page I used Verdana, which I thought fit well on the page since it is not very flashy and easy to read, and if the school chooses to use this site, can be shared by Macs and Windows.
When all is said and done, the intention of this website is simply to inform my high school about the toy drive. I want them to be able to go on the website, and feel like they are right at home, like it is part of the school. I also wanted them to walk away with no further questions. I believe I accomplished both of these goals.
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