Design Strategy:
I chose to use the same event for my web site that I used for my poster project. That event is the Kappa Karwash which benefits Reading Is Fundamental. In using the same event I wanted to play off of the soap bubble theme that I used in my poster. I used to soap bubbles ad the link on my navbar to add interest and creativity, but also because it makes the link stand out and they become more user friendly. To distinguish which page was being viewed I put sponges on either side of the soap bubble link to that page. I wanted my web site to be simple, user friendly and clutter free so I wanted to make sure I used white space and didn’t cover every inch of the page in color. On my directions page I overlaid a blue fleur di lis over the star on the directions page indicting Kappa Kappa Gamma because that is the symbol of the sorority. Overall I tired to keep the images, text, and layout as simple and minimal as possible as to not overwhelm the user.
To give my web site a simple, clean, and streamlines feel I chose to use sans serif fonts that were on the lighter side. The font used in my header is called Castorgate and was downloaded from dafont.com. Aside from the header it is used only one other place which is on the home page. I stacked the type next to Kappa Karwash in 18 pt. to effectively fit it in. The rest of the type on my five pages was all Helvetica Neue in either regular weight or LT Std 57 condensed. I chose to use Helvetica because it is such a perfect font that it would not distract attention away from the information on the web site or clutter it.
I chose to use a blue theme for my web site, since the soap bubbles that I used from my poster were blue but also because the colors of Kappa Kappa Gamma are light and dark blue. I also thought that blue would be a safe color choice and not too crazy or hard to work with. The other color that I chose to offset the blues was yellow because the sponges were yellow and the warm color contrasted well against the cool blues. The blue and yellow used throughout the five pages tied the whole web site together and really created the crisp, simple, and streamlined look I was going for. The shade of blue used on the stacked part of the header to the left of Kappa Karwash is RGB:152, 202, 241. The dark blue used throughout the five pages as the background container, navigation bar, and the header “Kappa Karwash” is RGB: 89,139,240. The stroke outlining the soap bubbles is RGB: 17, 191, 218. The color inside the soap bubbles and also used on the contact and about pages is RGB: 191,231, 247. The color used to emphasize that certain pieces of type are links is RGB: 10, 1, 128. The shade of yellow used throughout the five pages is RGB: 248. 213, 74. The sponges used on the navigation bar are made of two shades of yellow, a darker RGB: 249, 198,6, as well as a lighter RGB: 252, 198, 6.
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