Pandora internet radio is a great site that I use all the time. I find it extremely easy to navigate, which I believe is because of the visual hierarchy used. The title of the website is the largest element on the page, and is the first thing that I see because it is placed at the top of the page and is in a blue color that contrasts nicely with the white background. The button that says "Create a New Station" is what my eye is drawn to next, which is great since that's what immediately gets you started with using the site. If that button is clicked, you're able to type in the name of a song or artist that you like, and the site will automatically create a radio station with similar artists and songs.
Once the station is playing, each song appears with a picture of the album cover, the name of the song, the artist, and the album name. Below this are three very easy to use buttons: a thumbs down (clicked when you dont like the song playing) a thumbs up (clicked with you like the song playing) and menu button which brings up a few other choices. With one click of the mouse you can purchase a song that you like from Amazon or iTunes.
The radio stations that you create are saved on your account so that any time you return to the site, you can create a new one or listen to a previous one.
I love this website!
It really doesn't get any simpler than Pandora. It is a website that contains so much and yet all you need is right there in front of you. Immediately, it allows you to dive into your favorite songs, bands, and stations. Surrounding this are all the other less important options. Being such a small site, all the other choices revolve around the main part of Pandora, the music. This is an interesting and effective use of hierarchy.