The ESPN website definitely embraces grid based design and although it may appear cluttered it does master three of the specific creative column techniques. I think the most important strategy is the use of joining for variety because each area of interest appears to be in a horizontal grid. The scores, leagues, major columns and top stories are all arranged horizontally. I think it is interesting how ESPN uses four pictures from left to right to separate its breaking news points. On the right side however the headlines are broken down vertically, I suppose to add a perspective that allows the reader to assume that the top event happened most recently or is the most news-worthy.
ESPN.com also uses embracing disharmony and illustrating areas to catch the audience's eye and draw them in. The disharmony takes place as the graphic covers two-thirds of the page and the height of the various boxes differ exponentially. The ESPN website is by no means symmetric and the most important things on the page stick out extremely well. There's is no doubt that if you go on this website looking for something specifically sports-related it won't be hard to find. The background of the page adds depth as the red carries from bright down to the page as it fades to white. There are also some embellishments that are not apparent upon first take. The photos only add to the website and allow the best stories to be carried to the forefront.
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