Design Strategy:
My intended audience was parents with young children. I entitled the magazine Simplicity in an attempt to bring back simple ideas into the busy lives of people that live in cities. Because of the title I gave the magazine, I did not want the spreads to be too busy. I chose simple photos of children playing outside, and only used a few typefaces.
The flag is in Snell Roundhand Black, and the coverlines are variations of Adobe Caslon Pro, including Bold, Bold Italic, and Regular. The headlines in the magazine are in Idowild Regular. This is a fun playful type that looks like a child could have written it. The deckhead and article is written in Else NPL Std. I chose this font because it was easy to read.
I used mostly black, white, and two color swatches that were taken from the cover. The pink used throughout matches the girl’s dress, and is R = 192, G = 96, and B = 97. The light blue is taken from the sky, and is R=207, G=226, and B=97. The background on the jump spread is the same blue used throughout. I used these colors because they matched all of the photos well, and were light and summery which was perfect because this was intended to be the July issue.
I took all of the photos I used in this project, with the exception of the ad on the back of the cover. The children photographed are children I babysit during the summer, and all of the photos were taken last summer.
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