Page 2-3
Page two is just a simple movie advertisement that I selected to add on the back cover like a normal magazine. I choose that particular movie because it’s a documentary about a fashion magazine and that is what I made for this project. The second page, my front cover is supposed to have a holiday feel. I eve dropped the gold color from her sweater to use color reception and varying fonts. I used the fonts Britannic Bold, Bauer Bodoni Std 1, Futura, and ITC Avant Garde Gothic Std as my tag lines. I wante fonts that would not take away from the picture but would still grab you attention. I also used the same read throughout my entire project that was eye dropped form the 1st spread. I used Didot as my Headline font because I felt it gave a fashion magazine look.
Page 4-5
For this spread I used the fonts Harabara Hand, Garamond 3 LT Std, and Armalite Rifle. I used the Armalite Rifle because I wanted a distressed army like font for the word armor. I think wanted a cute girly font for the word sexy so I used Harabara Hand; it also had a grainy look that the armor font had. I wanted a color contrast so I went to a photo editing website and made the dominate image black and white and left her dress the bright red. It set the tone for the entire spear and inspired the color scheme of the headline. I made the photo dominate and used her legs to draw you to the headline. I wanted a simple deck head that would not take away from the headline and picture so I used a very openly leaded Garamond font that would eventually match my body text.
Page 5-6
For this spread I continued the title repetition by using the army like font for hr name on the top of the page. I then continued to use black and white photos to have a continues look and then used the same red from the dress to highlight pull quotes, headlines in the text, and the side bar. I used the Garamond font for the body text and captions because I wanted a simple and still pretty font. I used a large leading for an easy read in the body and a tighter leading for the captions to have a variation. I wanted to incorporate the headline font Harabara so I used it to title my side bar and then the pull quote font Thonburi for an open and clean look. I also left the picture color because they were mostly black white and grey so they did not look out of place. I also added a flower icon at the bottom of the spread to indicate the end of the story.
I love the opening spread of this magazine. The choice of contrasting typefaces really play well into the color scheme and the witty and clever deck head and headline. The pull quotes are really interesting with the red background color and rounded edges and they create unity with the sidebar. Also, the magazine title font is really clean and doesn't distract from the photos and design, it adds a classic and readable element that establishes what kind of magazine you will be reading.