Stationary- I made the boxes in the corner a lot smaller so to not compete with the shoe. I really liked the white space on the margins and I moved up my information from the base line a little further to the top of the boxes to create more space. At the bottom
Envelope- I adjusted the size of the envelope to be a standard size and also increased the font on the back flap to make it more legible.
Business Card- For my business car I changed the design somewhat. I removed all of the writing from the front of the card and increased the size of my logo somewhat. I think on the back did a clipping mask of the shape of the shoe from the front with my contact information. I did not want to make the reader search for my information however so I made a line with my complete information in white. I think decided to use the same font from my logo to write the purpose of my card. I did a sort of inverted variation of the color for the back with the white squares and red background for a nice contrast.
Kristen Jones
I really like your logo! I think it's funky and fresh. Even more, I love your business card, and what you did with the inside of the shoe--this is extremely innovative and well thought out. I like the script under your shoe as well--it keeps the logo feminine. The only thing that kind of confuses me are the red squares on the stationary; I realize you wanted fluidity from business card to stationary, but it would have been nice without it as well.