Design Strategy:
After choosing to use Jennifer Aniston for my magazine and having read the article I selected, I knew my design strategy. The article focuses on how even still at 40 years old and having been single for 4 years now, Jennifer Aniston is still just as beautiful and carefree as she was years ago. I wanted this to be reflected in all of my images. To do that, I decided to use only pictures of her smiling and seeming happy and comfortable with herself, nothing too serious or fashion magazine like. I also wanted the photos to show off her body and not have her completely covered up by clothing so that it visually verbalizes how the article emphasizes how great she looks at 40 years old. Since the pictures were all very natural looking and not so posed, I wanted to reflect that in a minimalist and simplistic layout. I didn’t want to weigh down my layout with too many pictures or pull quotes. I chose to title my magazine Radar as I wanted it to be a celebrity based magazine and have it emphasize how through the paparazzi and media, the personal lives of celebrities like Jennifer Aniston are always on the public radar. For my sidebar I made a time line of Jennifer Aniston over the years, showing how she has aged, but still looks beautiful. I even chose to feature an advertisement on the back cover of my magazine that Aniston did when she was the face of SmartWater.
Typeface Selection:
The typefaces that I used all throughout my magazine were all on the list of the 10 text faces you can rely on that you gave us in class. The title of my magazine on the front cover is Bembo Std regular 185 pt. I knew I wanted a serif font and I particularly like the way that the legs of the R’s had a curvature to them. For my cover lines I used both Century Expanded Italic 48pt. and a variety of weights and heights of Frutiger LT Std. The headline of my second spread is Garamond Bold 90 pt. My byline is ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std book 22 pt and my deck head is ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std italic 18 pt. I wanted all three of these texts to be different but yet still work together. The serifs of the two typefaces make them mix well. The body font of my article is Garamond Regular 12 pt, except for the 15 pt I used on the second spread to effectively lead into the story on the next page. My sidebar is all weights and heights of Frutiger LT Std because the sans serif provides a good contrast to all of the serifs I had in my layout.
I used three colors consistently throughout my layout that I felt worked well together. The blue and orange were the main colors I used and are harmonious because they are opposite each other on the color wheel. The blue is CMYK: 75.23, 15.17, 34.49, 0.11. The orange is CMYK: 8.37, 58.7, 51.25, 0.08. The third color brown was a nice complement to the two and I used that as the background color for my sidebar. The brown is CMYK: 50.91, 67.13, 57.21, 36.04.
There are a few things I really liked about this design. The headline on the first spread entitled "Ageless Beauty" is very effective because it gives the reader a clear idea of what the following story will be about. I also liked how the turquoise and pink colors were carried throughout the design because it helped with continuity. The pull quote was done nicely, and the layout was designed in a way that made me want to read the article. Nicely done!