I chose to use the North Face website for usability. It is one of the easiest sites to navigate, and it still allows for fun design. The top bar of the website separates their product line into categories such as "men's, women's, kids', and footwear. These easy to find choices make it very simple for the reader to find exactly what they are looking for. Once you are in the category you need, there are further choices for the reader. These choices are represented both on a side column, as well as in big boxes with sample pictures of items. These two different visuals provide the reader with different ways to find what they're looking for. The large images are very easy to follow as you can just click the box that has a coat in it if that is what you're looking to buy. There are also two options below (I think they were cut off in the screenshot) that give the reader more choices. Here the reader has the option to either find a store near them by entering their zip code, or receive email updates by joining a listserv. Once you pick the option you want, the jackets are separated into further categories based on what type of coat you need. The website as a whole is very user friendly. All of the important information such as the price of items or the technical and functional aspects of each item are written in a very clear and easy to read format.
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