In this Michael Kors ad, the warm yellow color draws you eye to the ad immediately. You cannot help but stop and see what this ad is for. The yellow lines, which look like rays of sun, bring your eye to the dress, which is also a warm color of red or orange. The black lines of the dress stand out against the yellow background, which is a good way to make the product the main focus of the ad. However, I think that the color of the brand name, Michael Kors, could have been chosen more carefully. The white type doesn't stand out very well against the light yellow. Perhaps this was a conscious decision if the designer wanted the clothes to be the main focus. Maybe they thought that if the clothes in the ad stood out enough, the reader would take the time to look for the designer name.
I don't know about this one. Personally, I don't care for the use of color--specifically the yellow. Yes, yellow is warm, but I feel like they over did it--it's blinding me.