My when i went to upload my poster from my flash drive, the was type was not there, so i attempted to scan my poster from my home computer and also show the poster without the type.I wanted to have an attention-grabbing headline to draw the reader in, which I believe I did with “The Toys Are Back In Town”. This poster is intended for high school students who will not be staring at it for too long, so it has to draw them in right away. From the headline it leads down to the title of the event, followed by the general information, and finally to the visual.
The visuals are intended to contrast with the blue background, which may have been lost in the printing, as the background came out much darker than intended. The combination of the holiday feel of the type and color and the toys accomplish the goal of getting the reader to think about what toys they have lying around that they can donate.
For my headline I chose to use the Futura family, as this allowed for the “Toys” and “Town” to jump out at the reader in a big and bold way. “Toys” and “Town” are in condensed extra bold, while the rest of the words are in condensed medium. The information below the title is Futura medium.
The title of the event is in Montype Corsiva, which gives the event the holiday feel that the event is trying to push.
Since my background is a photo, there is no real color scheme, except for the blue background, which makes the toys jump out at the reader. For the color of the type I chose to stick with basic red, green and white, as this is a holiday event and the Christmas colors give that holiday feel.
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