Hey Intrepid Graphics students -
1. Don't forget to do export a jpeg of ALL three pieces of your logo/stationery system for posting to the blog as this week's required post. Let me know if you encounter any issues doing this - preferably before 11:59 PM.
2. Since this week's a project week, I'm offering some extended office hours for those few (read: most) of you who didn't make it by to Monday's 1-3 times or the 8-10pm help session in the labs. Let me know if the fol times don't work for you, and I can do my best to meet individually
Wednesday: 1-5pm (119 Newhouse 1)
3. Don't forget that you'll need to post two comments about your peer's work before the end of term. These don't have to be on the same project, and you're not limited to only two, but so far no one has really been saying anything about the designs out there. Make sure you keep them substantive and related to design. Also, e-mail if you post a comment to someone's post.
4. Don't forget that I'm happy to let you know what my records say at any time regarding attendance and the blog, and that if I don't hear from you regarding a missed class it will be counted as an unexcused absence.
1 week ago
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